August 24, 2023
Unleashing Your Brand's Potential: Using Wholesale Collaboration to Amplify Your Retail Reach
Let's talk about how modern wholesaling techniques, such as Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) and cloud-based B2B platforms, can help you grow your business. If you're part of a brand eager to expand, this might just be the game-changer you've been looking for.

When looking at wholesale platforms, not all are created equal. One aspect that's especially interesting is VMI, so let's talk about Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI). If you're part of a brand eager to expand, this might just be the game-changer you've been looking for.

First off, what is VMI? Simply put, it's a business model where the supplier or vendor - that's you - manages the inventory of the products you're selling. You track the stock, and when levels dip below a certain threshold, you automatically replenish it.

Now, why should you care about VMI? Because it helps you get your products into more stores. And not just any stores - the right ones for your brand.

Take the example of TruFit Sportswear, a fitness apparel brand. They decided to adopt a VMI model when they realized traditional distribution channels were slowing them down. Through VMI, TruFit took control of their inventory across multiple stores, which led to fewer stockouts and more accurate forecasting. Result? They saw a 25% increase in the number of stores they were able to supply.

Let's break down how VMI worked for TruFit. With VMI, they gained real-time insight into what's selling and where. They could forecast demand accurately and replenish inventory swiftly, reducing out-of-stock situations. They also built stronger relationships with retailers, as they took on the burden of inventory management. Retailers loved it because it meant less risk and effort for them.

Another case in point is Farm Fresh Organics, a producer of organic food items. They faced an uphill battle breaking into large grocery chains due to perceived risks around demand unpredictability. But with VMI, Farm Fresh could guarantee product availability, lowering the risk for grocers. The result? They were able to triple their store count within a year.

The key takeaway from Farm Fresh's story is that VMI allows you to present a more attractive proposition to retailers. You assume responsibility for managing and replenishing stock, thereby reducing the retailer's risk of unsold inventory. In essence, you're saying to retailers: "Trust us, we've got this."

It's essential to remember that VMI isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. For some brands, it may be more effort than it's worth. However, if you're looking to gain control over your inventory and get your products into more stores, it's a strategy worth considering.

One final example to consider is Mellow Cosmetics, a beauty brand that wanted to make its mark in the competitive cosmetics market. Using VMI, Mellow was able to strategically place its best-selling products in high-traffic stores, leading to an increase in brand visibility. By focusing on managing their inventory effectively, Mellow reported a 35% increase in stores carrying their products within just six months.

What Mellow’s case demonstrates is that VMI gives you the control to decide where your products should be placed, allowing you to align your products with the right market segments, and in turn, increase your brand’s presence.

So, next time you're thinking about how to get your products into more stores, consider VMI. It might not be the perfect fit for everyone, but when it works, it can open doors you didn't even know were there. It's about control, visibility, and expanding your reach. And who doesn't want that for their brand?

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